Guidelines For Choosing The Best Timber Flooring For Your Home

When it comes to your home, you want to choose the best possible Timber Flooring Adelaide. That’s why we’re here to help! Here at Insta-floor, we believe that your home should reflect who you are as a person. So if you want a flooring material that adds value to your home, lasts for years and years, and fits into any room from kitchen to living room to bedroom—we’re here for you.

Consider the Look You Want

Now that you know what to look for in your timber flooring, let's narrow down the types of timber flooring to fit your needs.

When choosing a timber floor, consider its colour and grain. The colour of a timber can range from golden yellow to reddish brown; while its grain can be smooth or rough.

If you have decided on what you want in terms of looks, then it is time to browse through different types of timber floors. If this seems like too much work, there are many companies that offer several designs/colours already made available for customers' convenience (and sometimes even at discounted prices).

Environmental Impact

The environmental impact of timber flooring is low, because it can be made from many different types of wood. If you want to make sure your timber flooring is as eco-friendly as possible, look for reclaimed or recycled options. Reclaimed timbers are often sourced from old buildings and bridges that might otherwise be demolished, so they're a more sustainable choice for the environment than virgin timber.

Recycled timbers are also generated when trees used in logging processes have already been cut down—they may have been treated for other uses but remain usable as flooring after some modifications. The best thing about both reclaimed and recycled timbers is that they don't contribute to deforestation or habitat destruction like newly-grown forests do (which means less CO2 emissions).

In addition to being environmentally friendly, recycled and reclaimed timbers tend not only to be more affordable than new materials but also often better quality because they've been thoroughly inspected during their lifetime.

Before being made available again through various outlets such as flooring stores online or other retailers selling second-hand goods online with the same high standards employed by professional companies who purchase raw materials wholesale through direct orders placed with suppliers!

Timber Flooring Adelaide

Choose flooring that fits your lifestyle.

When choosing the right Timber Flooring Adelaide for your home, it's important to consider how that flooring will fit into your lifestyle. For example, if you have pets or children who are prone to spills and messes, then hardwood floors may not be the best option.

Also consider the look you want and what kind of environmental impact it will have on your home. There are many types of flooring available today that offer durability, beauty and easy maintenance; choosing one that fits with both your lifestyle and budget is essential for achieving an overall beautiful result.


All in all, you want to make sure that the flooring you choose fits your lifestyle. If you’re looking for a home that feels more like a sanctuary than an office, then hardwood floors may be right for you.

On the other hand, if minimalism is key in your life then carpeting may be just what’s needed! It all comes down to what makes sense at this point in time—which is why it so important to take into consideration all of these factors before making any decisions about what sort of flooring will work best for each person individually. The same goes for any other type of material or color scheme which could affect its longevity or aesthetic appeal over time (such as tile!).

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