Believing These 5 Myths About Floor Sanding Keeps You From Growing

 Floor Sanding Adelaide is a complex process that can be done on many different surfaces. There are different types of floor sanding, each one with its own benefits and drawbacks. However, it's important to keep in mind that there are many myths about this process. Here are five:

Dustless is not dust free

There are two types of sanding: dustless and dusty.

Dustless sanding is a method in which the dust created during the process is captured, filtered, and re-used. The dust created during this process can be redistributed over your floor as a sort of finishing coat (you'll see later why you'd want that).

Dusty sanding creates fine sawdust when used in conjunction with an electric sander or orbital sander.

In addition to causing respiratory problems if inhaled by humans or pets, dusty sanding releases allergens into homes which can trigger allergies or even asthma attacks if someone has either condition."

Floor sanding takes days/floor sanding takes only a few hours

The first thing that many people think when they hear about Floor Sanding Adelaide is that it's a quick process, like painting or cleaning. However, floor sanding involves a lot of hard work and patience.

You'll have to take your time with each step, so don't expect to be done in just a few hours or even just one day. If you want your new flooring to look good for years to come, then this is something you should be prepared for!

The floor needs to be replaced before sanding

You can sand the floor, then stain or varnish the floor again. You don’t have to replace the floor before you start sanding.

That’s right! Not only is this possible, but it can be done multiple times with no ill effects.

Your contractor will take care of it for you, so don’t worry about how many coats of polyurethane he or she might need to apply for maximum protection against moisture and water damage (however much that may be).

Floor Sanding Adelaide

Floor sanding is extremely expensive

One of the most common myths about sanding is that it's extremely expensive.

However, this is not true! The cost of sanding depends on the type of flooring and the amount of work involved in getting rid of any damage.

There are many factors that can influence the cost of your project:

  • The condition and age of your floors (older ones will be more expensive)

  • How much damage there is to deal with (for example, if you need to do a lot more patching than just sanding around some scratches)

  • You'll also need to factor in other costs like transportation and equipment hire if necessary.

  • Although it might seem like replacing your floors would be cheaper than repairing them—especially if you have hardwood or laminate—it's usually less expensive overall because once they're gone there's no way back.

Floor sanding is a complex task

With all the sanding processes and other preparatory work, it's a complex task. It takes a lot of time to do properly, so it's not something you can do quickly or easily. You have to be detail-oriented if you want your floor sanded well, and that takes time.

  • If you don't have time, maybe find someone else who does!

  • If you're looking for an easy way out, just hire someone else to handle it for you (it'll cost more but will probably be worth it).


The floor sanding process is not as simple as it may seem, and there are several ways that you can make your job easier. The best way to ensure a smooth experience is by doing research before starting any project. By knowing what you’re getting into, you can make the right choices for your home or office space.

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